Maxim Likhanov
Researcher in Psychology/Linguistics
I’m an active researcher in the area of educational psychology, individual differences, and cognitive neuroscience. My main research interest is individual differences, including spatial ability, creativity, anxiety, resilience and personality, that contribute to academic achievement, wellbeing and occupational success. I’m also interested in their mechanisms from developmental, neuroscientific and genetic perspectives. My overarching goal is to improve educational system(s) and help those who struggle with their current educational load to catch-up and those who excel to work at their full potential, with their wellbeing also being accounted for.

Research interests: spatial ability, Dark Triad, Anxiety, sex/gender differences, network analysis, STEM Education, activities effects (videogames, LEGO, sport, language learning)
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Academic and research positions
Postdoctoral researcher
State Key Laboratory of Cognitive Neuroscience and Learning, Beijing Normal University, Beijing, China
December 2022 – present
Published several very important papers on the links between number sense, spatial and maths ability from scratch
Research Director/postdoctoral researcher
Centre for Educational Neuroscience, ITMO University, Saint-Petersburg, Russia
August 2021- October 2022
Got a grant for a postdoctoral position. Got another grant to conduct a study to develop methods of anxiety and burnout reduction in students; and establish a new research centre
Department of Psychotherapy and Psychological Counselling, Psychology faculty, Tomsk State University, Tomsk, Russia
January 2020 - September 2022
Developed a module on research methods in the MSc programme “Human development: genetics, neuroscience and psychology”
Senior Researcher
Applied cognitive psychology and neuroscience research unit, Centre for Cognitive Investigations, Sirius University of Science and Technology, Sochi, Russia
January 2018– July 2021
Established the infrastructure for the new laboratory (including reconstruction and equipment purchasing) under supervision of professor Yulia Kovas, contributed to planning of research directions and educational programmes, initiated “Individual Differences in Education and Achievement” study (IDEAs) that produced a number of interesting papers
Intern/doctoral student (via Erasmus Plus scheme)
Psychology department
Goldsmiths, University of London, London, UK
September 2016 – March 2017
Contributed to development and validation of International genetic literacy and attitude survey (IGLAS) - several papers have been published in this project and some a re in preparation. Also, contributed to the creation of The Accessible Genetics Consortium
Teaching coordinator and research assistant
International Centre for Research in Human Development, Tomsk State University, Tomsk, Russia
April 2016- December 2017
Contributed to the development of the novel MSc programme “Human development: genetics, neuroscience and psychology” and decided to pursue a carreer as a researcher in psychology
Intern/kindergarten teacher (via AIESEC in Poland scheme)
The Faculty of Economics Maria Curie-Skłodowska University,
Lublin, Poland
September – November 2012
Contributed to a large peoject “International Kindergarten”
PhD in linguistics (2019)
Philological faculty, Tomsk state university, Russia
Doctoral thesis “Communicative genre of excursion mark: communicative-pragmatic aspect” publicly defended on 01.03.2019;
Specialist (BSc) in Theoretical and Fundamental Linguistics (2015)
Philological faculty, Tomsk state university, Russia
The major dedicated to investigation of all aspects of linguistics, including neuro and cognitive linguistics
Professional skills
  • Applied knowledge in univariate, multivariate and advanced statistics:
    -Network analysis (correlation networks, partial correlation networks, lasso (least absolute shrinkage and selection operator), PC-algorithm);
    -Structural equation modelling (Moderation and mediation analysis, longitudinal models, latent variables modeling);
    -Multilevel modeling (mixed effect models)
    -Bayesian statistics (Bayes factor);
    -Machine learning (logistic regressions, k-fold, decision trees, random forest)
    -Statistical packages (JASP, SPSS, R)
  • Experience with various research equipment
    -Electroencephalography: event-related potentials, frequency bands, connectivity (EEG lab for MATLAB, Brainvision Analayzer, mne package for Python);
    -Eyetracking: head- and table-mounted trackers (SMI, Tobi, EyeLink);
    -VR equipment (Oculus quest 2, HTC VIVE PRO EYE)
    -PsychoPy experiment builder;
  • II Organizing of research
    -Planning of research (including grant application ethical approval and budget planning)
    -Infrastructure organization (including reconstruction of lab spaces and equipment purchase)
    -Organizing educational events (conferences, modules for students and schoolchildren)
Scientific publications
Starting from 2016 I contributed to more than 30 scientific papers in international peer-reviewed journals. The full list is available here and on my Research gate and Google Academy pages. Below are some selected publications.
The aim of the current study was to explore contributions of different types
of reasoning to math word problem solving and whether these contributions have added value compared with each other and general cognitive ability.

Chinese schoolchildren in Grades 3 to 6 (N = 746) completed 8 tasks tapping into spatial, mechanical, verbal, mathematic, hypothetical and analogical reasoning.

Our data showed that when 6 general cognitive factors load onto General cognitive ability factor in a Structural Equation Model (SEM), only spatial visualization has additional contribution to Word problem solving factor. Gaussian Graphical models (GGMs) showed that 2 verbal tasks and spatial visualization showed stable (present in at least 3 out of 4 grades) contributions to both word problem solving tasks.

There is some evidence that SA might be improved via learning character-based language, e.g. Chinese as a second language (CSL).

The study aimed to investigate an effect of CSL learning on SA in schoolchildren from Year 2 to Year 7. Current study employs a sample of Russian schoolchildren (N = 283), who learnt: English only, English and Spanish; or English and Chinese. Participants completed Raven’s progressive matrices and Mental rotation task at the age of 8
and again at the age of 14.

Our data showed negligible group differences in the initial SA level at Year 2 (before learning second language). Similar negligible differences were found at Year 7. Regression analysis showed that SA was predicted by intelligence (Raven’s) and gender but not language learnt at both ages.

Scientific Reports
The current study aimed to investigate whether mutiple personality traits could be predicted from eye-movement in natural settings.

Adolescent participants (N = 35) completed personality questionnaires (Big Five Inventory and Short Dark Triad Questionnaire) and visited an interactive museum while their eye movements were recorded with head-mounted eye tracking. Eight machine-learning methods were used: Random Forest, Adaboost, Naive Bayes, Support Vector Machine, Logistic Regression, k Nearest Neighbours, Decision Tree and a three-layer Perceptron.

Extracted eye movement features predicted personality traits with above 33% chance accuracy (34%–48%). Better prediction was achieved for Machiavellianism and Extraversion compared to other traits (10 and 9 predictions above the chance level by different algorithms from different parts of the recording).

We live in an age of rapidly advancing genetic research. This research is generating new knowledge that has implications for personal health and well-being.

The present study assessed the level of genetic knowledge and personal engagement with genetics in a large sample (N = 5404) of participants; and showed that the overal genetic knowledge was poor, with only around 1 percent of participants answering all knoweldge questions correctly.

Journal of Community Genetics
Individual funding and awards
  • Credibility in Neuroscience Team Award” as a member of #EEGManyLabs team (2023);
  • PI for the project in ITMO Priority 2030 program "Searching for effective measures to reduce anxiety, professional burnout and improve well-being of ITMO students" (February 2022-December 2022);
  • My postdoc at ITMO was funded by the grant via the programme Fellowship & Professorship ITMO University scheme (postdoc track; 2021-2022);
  • Erasmus Plus grant for a six-month internship at Goldsmiths University of London (2016-2017);
  • Oxford Fund Russia Scholarship - Winner 2012-2015
Awards and funding obtained as part of research groups
  • Team member for the Beijing Normal University internal grant scheme (Department of psychology) - “Brain-eye model of spatial orientation” (November 2023 - present)
  • Team member for the Russian Science Foundation grant scheme (competition 50, No 20-78-10135): Eye tracking in immersive virtual reality: personalization of educational trajectories in chemical education (August 2021 - 30 June 2022)
  • Team member for the program "State support of the leading universities of the Russian Federation in order to increase their competitiveness among the world's leading research and educational centers (5-100)", (03.19.2018 - 12.31.2020); Project: "The state of health (reproductive, physical, mental) in relation to the mineral homeostasis of pregnant women as a perinatal factor in the development and health of children born with IVF
  • Team member for the Megagrants programme: "Researchers ensuring the functioning of scientific laboratories created within the framework of the government program" Megagrants "on the assignment No. 25.8663.2017 / P220 - 01.01.2017 — 31.12.2019
  • Team member for the program "State support of the leading universities of the Russian Federation in order to increase their competitiveness among the world's leading research and educational centers (5-100)", (04.14.2017 - 12.31.2017); Project: "Study of the structure of spatial abilities and their relationship with academic success"
Reviewing and editing
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