List of Dr. Maxim Likahnov's publications
  1. Likhanov, M., Evgenia, A., Bloniewski, T., Zhou, X., & Kovas, Y. (2024). Anxiety and performance in high-achieving adolescents: Associations among 8 general and specific anxiety measures and 13 school grades.
  2. Likhanov, M., Hu, Y., Wang, F., & Zhou, X. (2024). Do Not Only Count Your Chickens: Spatial Visualization is Important for Kindergarteners’ Maths Problem-solving, and Mental Rotation – for arithmetic [Preprint]. PsyArXiv.
  3. White, E., Kolienko, T., Bogdanova, O., Selita, F., Malykh, S., Jones Bartoli, A., Chapman, R., Tosto, M., Likhanov, M., & Kovas, Y. (2024). Don’T Blame the Teacher: ‘Teacher Effects’ in Secondary Education Reflect Complex Classroom-Level and Social Processes.
  4. Verona, E. et al., (2023). Fear, Anxiety, and the Error-Related Negativity: A Registered Report of a Multi-Site Replication Study.
  1. Tsigeman, E., Likhanov, M., Kalinnikova, L., Nikulenko, A., Filimonova, E., & Kovas, Y. (2024). Why Dysfluent Font Does Not Aid Second Language Learning. The Journal of Experimental Education, 1–15.
  2. Likhanov, M., Wang, F., Lyu, J., Wang, L., & Zhou, X. (2024). A special contribution from spatial ability to math word problem solving: Evidence from structural equation modelling and network analysis. Intelligence, 107, 101875.
  3. Soldatova, E., Bartseva, K., Alenina, E., Tsigeman, E., Likhanov, M., & Vartanyan, G. (2024). Nostalgia as a psychological phenomenon: Theoretical review of the research. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Psychology, 14(3), 458–484.
  4. Markovnikova, A. I., Likhanov, M. V., Kurushkin, M. V., (2024). A model for estimating the visual complexity of a molecule using graph theory metrics: An educational perspective. Perspectives of Science and Education, 69(3), 602–620.
  5. Tsigeman E, Zemliak V, Likhanov M, Papageorgiou KA, Kovas Y (2024) AI can see you: Machiavellianism and extraversion are reflected in eye-movements. PLoS ONE 19(8): e0308631.
  6. Ma, M., Likhanov, M., & Zhou, X. (2024). Number sense‐arithmetic link in Grade 1 and Grade 2: A case of fluency. British Journal of Educational Psychology, bjep.12693.
  7. Bartseva, K., Likhanov, M., Tsigeman, E., Alenina, E., Reznichenko, I., Soldatova, E., & Kovas, Y. (2024). No spatial advantage in adolescent hockey players? Exploring measure specificity and masked effects. Intelligence, 102, 101805.
  8. Selita, F., Chapman, R., Kovas, Y., & Likhanov, M. (2024). Are we ready for the genomic era? Insights from judges and lawyers. New Genetics and Society, 43(1).
  9. Vartanyan, G. A., Soldatova, E. L., Likhanov, M. V., Bartseva, K. V., & Tsvetkova, Е. Y. (2024). Peculiarities of Nostalgic Experiences of Women in a Pre-Trial Detention Center. Psychology and Law, 14(4), 133–149.
  1. Likhanov, M., Zakharov, I., Awofala, A., Ogundele, O., Selita, F., Kovas, Y., & Chapman, R. (2023). Attitudes towards genetic testing: The role of genetic literacy, motivated cognition, and socio-demographic characteristics. PLOS ONE, 18(11), e0293187.
  2. Likhanov, M., Bogdanova, O., Alenina, E., Kolienko, T., & Kovas, Y. (2023). No evidence of a positive effect of learning Chinese language as an L2 on spatial ability. Scientific Reports, 13(1).
  3. Tsigeman, E. S., Likhanov, M. V., Budakova, A. V., Akmalov, A., Sabitov, I., Alenina, E., Bartseva, K., & Kovas, Y. (2023). Persistent gender differences in spatial ability, even in STEM experts. Heliyon, 9(4), e15247.
  4. Repeykova, V., Toivainen, T., Likhanov, M., Van Broekhoven, K., & Kovas, Y. (2023). Nothing But Stereotypes? Negligible Sex Differences Across Creativity Measures in Science, Arts, and Sports Adolescent High Achievers. The Journal of Creative Behavior, jocb.623.
  5. Bartseva, K. V., Likhanov, M. V., Soldatova, E. L., Tsigeman, E. S., Alenina, E. A., & Kovas, Y. (2023). Applicability of the Online Short Spatial Ability Battery to university students testing. The Education and Science Journal, 25(10), 183–204.
  6. Barceva, K., Lihanov, M., & Soldatova, E. (2023). Challenges and further directions of research on spatial thinking strategies. Bulletin of Kemerovo State University. Series: Humanities and Social Sciences, 2023(4), 383–398.
  7. Kuzminov, I., Vokhmin, A., Sharaeva, K., Likhanov, M., Markovnikova, A., Lyamin, A. V., & Kurushkin, M. V. (2023). Implementation of Eye-Tracking Recording Tool into Narupa iMD VR Environment for Application in Chemistry Education. Journal of Chemical Education.
  8. Ruth, N., Tsigeman, E., Likhanov, M., Kovas, Y., & Müllensiefen, D. (2023). Personality and engagement with music: Results from network modeling in three adolescent samples. Psychology of Music. Scopus.
  9. Selita, F., Chapman, R., Kovas, Y., Smereczynska, V., Likhanov, M., & Toivainen, T. (2023). Consensus too soon: Judges’ and lawyers’ views on genetic information use. New Genetics and Society, 42(1), e2197583.
  1. Likhanov, M., Maslennikova, E., Costantini, G., Budakova, A., Esipenko, E., Ismatullina, V., & Kovas, Y. (2022). This is the way: Network perspective on targets for spatial ability development programmes. British Journal of Educational Psychology, 92(4), 1597–1620..
  2. Luo, Y. L. L., Kovas, Y., Wang, L., Stalikas, A., Kyriazos, T. A., Gianniou, F.-M., Likhanov, M. V., & Papageorgiou, K. A. (2022). Sex differences in the Dark Triad are sensitive to socioeconomic conditions: The adaptive value of narcissism in the UK, Greece, and China. Current Psychology.
  3. Tsigeman, E., Silas, S., Frieler, K., Likhanov, M., Gelding, R., Kovas, Y., & Müllensiefen, D. (2022). The Jack and Jill Adaptive Working Memory Task: Construction, Calibration and Validation. PLOS ONE, 17(1), Article 1.
  4. Alenina, E. A., Bartseva, K. V., Lee, O. V., Zaleshin, M. S., Likhanov, M. V., & Kovas, Yu. V. (2022). Lessons from the Pandemic: Analyzing the Experience of Distant Learning in Secondary Schools. Psychological Science and Education, 27(6), 84–101.
  1. Likhanov, M. V., Tsigeman, E. S., Papageorgiou, K. A., Akmalov, A. F., Sabitov, I. A., & Kovas, Y. V. (2021). Ordinary extraordinary: Elusive group differences in personality and psychological difficulties between STEM-gifted adolescents and their peers. British Journal of Educational Psychology, 91(1), 78–100. Scopus.
  2. Budakova, A. V., Likhanov, M. V., Toivainen, T., Zhurbitskiy, A. V., Sitnikova, E. O., Bezrukova, E. M., & Kovas, Y. (2021). Measuring Spatial Ability for Talent Identification, Educational Assessment, and Support: Evidence from Adolescents with High Achievement in Science, Arts, and Sports. Psychology in Russia: State of the Art, 14(2), 59–85. Scopus.
  3. Likhanov, M. V., Tsigeman, E. S., & Kovas, Y. (2021). Online Short Spatial Ability Battery (OSSAB): Psychometric Norms for Older Students. Sibirskiy Psikhologicheskiy Zhurnal, 78, 117–129.
  1. Papageorgiou, K. A., Likhanov, M., Costantini, G., Tsigeman, E., Zaleshin, M., Budakova, A., & Kovas, Y. (2020). Personality, Behavioral strengths and difficulties and performance of adolescents with high achievements in science, literature, art and sports. Personality and Individual Differences, 160, 109917.
  2. Budakova, A. V., Likhanov, M. V., Bloniewski, T., Malykh, S. B., & Kovas, K. V. (2020). Mathematical anxiety: Etiology, development and links with mathematical achievement. Voprosy Psikhologii, 2020(1), 109–118. Scopus.
  1. Chapman, R., Likhanov, M., Selita, F., Zakharov, I., Smith-Woolley, E., & Kovas, Y. (2019). New literacy challenge for the twenty-first century: Genetic knowledge is poor even among well educated. Journal of Community Genetics, 10(1), 73–84.
  2. Toivainen, T., Olteteanu, A.-M., Repeykova, V., Likhanov, M., & Kovas, Y. (2019). Visual and Linguistic Stimuli in the Remote Associates Test: A Cross-Cultural Investigation. Frontiers in Psychology, 10, 926.
  1. Likhanov, M. V., Ismatullina, V. I., Fenin, A. Y., Wei, W., Rimfeld, K., Maslennikova, E. P., Esipenko, E. A., Sharafeva, K. R., Feklicheva, I. V., Chipeeva, N. A., Budakova, A. V., Soldatova, E. L., Zhou, X., & Kovas, Y. V. (2018). The Factorial Structure of Spatial Abilities in Russian and Chinese Students. Psychology in Russia: State of the Art, 11(4), 96–114.
  2. Zhban, E. S., Likhanov, M. V., Zakharov, I. M., Bezrukova, E. M., & Malykh, S. B. (2018). The Role of Mathematical and Trait Anxiety in Mental Fatigue: An EEG Investigation. Psychology in Russia: State of the Art, 11(4), 79–95.
  3. Likhanov, M. V., & Kulikov, I. A. (2018). TAKE A LOOK AT THE VASE: LEXICAL MARKERS AFFECT OCULOMOTOR ACTIVITY (ON THE MATERIAL OF EXCURSION GENRE). Vestnik Tomskogo Gosudarstvennogo Universiteta, 430, 15–24.
  1. Chapman*, R., Likhanov, M., Selita, F., Zakharov, I., Smith-Woolley, E., & Kovas, Y. (2017). Genetic Literacy And Attitudes Survey (Iglas): International Population-Wide Assessment Instrument. 45–66.
  2. Likhanov, M. V. (2017). Interaction of subdiscourses in excursion discourse (on the material of excursion and travel guide genres). Vestnik Tomskogo Gosudarstvennogo Universiteta, 415, 12–16.
  3. Likhanov*, M., Zakharov, I., Kuzmina, Y., Budakova, A., Vasin, G., & Malykh, S. (2017). Maths Anxiety Does Not Moderate The Link Between Spatial And Maths Ability. 212–226.
  1. Likhanov, M. V. (2016). EXCURSION DISCOURSE: ON THE MODEL OF DESCRIPTION. Vestnik Tomskogo Gosudarstvennogo Universiteta, 404, 5–14.
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